
We offer you a wide range of exclusive services to our clients in the Financial Industry, Local and Central Government, Housing Associations and Media.


IT Consulting

Our professionals will advise you on optimal ways to use technology and services to transform your ICT environment and achieve higher levels of innovation. We also assist in developing specific strategies for mobility, cloud, and IT-as-a-service to help you unlock the potential of these emerging technologies.




Based on Sagesse Moisson skills set and experience, we shall engage in the deployment of off-the-shelf products and also customized software developed. We support the System Integration, Business Process Design, Program Management, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management and Enterprise Application Integration.

Document Management

Our valued customers are supported by our experience Document Management Experts to realise their Document Management Strategy. This service includes bulk scanning, secure storage and retrieval, archiving and secure transfer of processed files/document







Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


+44 770 8806710+44 770 8806710


Or use our contact form.

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